How Can I Trust My Wife Again After Infidelity: 5 Steps

However, it is often hard to break up even after finding out they cheated on you. It can be a difficult hurdle to overcome and, even if you both get back to a good place, it might not be perfect.

If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to a relationship coach. But cheating is a much deeper problem, one that stems from problems way below the surface of the relationship.

Most relationships that fail to repair themselves after a cheating event is often caused by pride. By the end of therapy, you will feel far more connected to one another. She is trained as a therapist and an academic and uses science and research to help people find and keep love. She is the Director of a long-term research study funded by the National Institutes of Health – which has followed 300+ couples over a period of 32 years. Fighting for a partner who does not want to continue their relationship may cause them and you greater emotional stress and damage. Show your love by respecting their decision if they want to leave the relationship. Use conflicts with your partner as opportunities for growth.

One day it seems like there’s hope for tomorrow, and the next day, you’re sleeping on the couch again. Have a plan in place that will help you to stay calm and centered while you navigate through the inevitable bumps, obstacles, landmines and setbacks that will happen. Rather than being shocked and overreacting, be prepared to take positive action. You got caught up in a flirtation that led to an affair.

Having someone break your trust can leave you feeling hurt, shocked, and even physically sick. It might prompt you to consider your relationship — and your partner — in a different way.

  • Things might not be as they were before, but they can improve slowly, and with your effort, your relationship may gradually become as strong as before or even more.
  • It may shake the foundation of even the strongest relationship.
  • Each of these emotional blows violates trust and turns a person’s heart and world upside down.
  • Many of the spouses that I’ve talked to who have endured the trauma of infidelity have benefitted from a self-care routine that is consistent and soothing.
  • Use conflicts with your partner as opportunities for growth.
  • Keep in mind that they might not be willing to forgive you right away, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t get there in the future.

Rebuilding the trust that your betrayal splintered is going to take time. In order to make the healing journey less bumpy, consider speaking with the couples counselors at Couples Academy. Our caring team can guide you through difficult conversations and give you the tools necessary for repairing your relationship.

In longer-term relationships, some people may cheat due to a lack of excitement or boredom. There are ways to create a sense of novelty and variety while still respecting relationship boundaries. Contrary to widespread belief, even people in happy relationships cheat.

What about the details of an affair?

We don’t just trust our partners in a relationship, we trust them with our most guarded selves. This isn’t to say poor communication is an excuse to cheat, but excellent communication can help strengthen your relationship. While there’s a lot of argument out there about why cheating occurs, usually it has to do with one partner feeling like their needs weren’t being met.

You have to work on allowing yourselves to be vulnerable with each other. That’s how trust is formed and that’s how you’ll rebuild it.

Tips to Make Your Relationship Go Back to Normal After Cheating

Your partner must hear you take responsibility and promise to do better in the future. Thinking beyond your grief and anger to what was positive will gradually help you to see the light at the end of the tunnel when trying to save your relationship after a betrayal. You don’t have to agree with their reasons or motivations or agree with what you hear, but understanding goes both ways. A counselor may be able to help you get closure from your relationship, and work with you to develop more productive relationship choices in the future. Spend some time looking at what contributed to your infidelity, and assess whether these are issues you can work on yourself. Some individuals have even found it helpful to hire a personal detective to assure themselves that the cheating has completely stopped. Be aware that this is something your partner might want to do, and make sure it is something with which you are comfortable as well.

Give your partner some time

Tell her exactly how your trust after betrayal has dwindled and how it made you feel. Ask her if she has ended the affair and is willing to give your marriage her best shot. Make sure you don’t end up blaming each other or saying things you might regret later. Rebuilding Trust, you will learn more about the psychological change in couples involved in an affair and how to navigate the situation.

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